Portugal Photo Nudism

Meet Portugal Photo Nudism’s Luis, one of a new generation of naturist photographers, whose aim is “to present naturism as a positive, modern practice that has across-the-board appeal.”


If it works for footballers, why not photographers, asks Luis?

The Lisbon-based corporate lawyer has chosen to work under a single name, for professional reasons rather than those of anonymity. “It’s the project, not necessarily the photographer, that’s the most important thing,” he asserts.

The project in question is Portugal Photo Nudism (naturism_portugal), which Luis began in September 2020, initially as a way of combining two of his favourite hobbies: photography and naturism. As he explains, “the main objective is to convey a positive, modern and interesting image of nudism and naturism in Portugal and to provide information on Portuguese nude locations - including official and non-official nude beaches, nude accommodation, hiking trails and other open spaces where it is possible to be naked. Portugal has an abundance, so whilst at the moment I am the project’s only photographer, I am open to work alongside others as it grows.

“I have a very busy professional and family life, so for the time being, this is a labour of love. My commitments don’t allow me to spend as much time on it as I would like to: travelling is of course an issue, particularly as things stand, and setting up photo shoots takes time. But if you’re doing something you’re passionate about, you will find out a way to do it.”

Most of the photo sessions to date have taken place in or close to Lisbon, where Luis lives and works, and are organised around his busy schedule, and of course as and when the weather allows.

“Luckily, not only are there plenty of great beaches nearby, but the city is one of Europe’s sunniest capitals, allowing me to do a lot of work outside of the peak season, when the beaches are quieter and it’s easier to shoot.”


Luis discovered naturism when he was about 18. “It was because I wanted to,” he states simply. “No one told me how I should do it - the “do’s” and “don’ts”- and this allowed me to make the journey, as the saying goes, according to my personal views on the subject. I have never been involved in naturist-related associations, although I do follow their work in Portugal and am aware that some of them do a good job. For me however, naturism is mostly an escape from the conservative environment of my day-to-day life. It’s about freedom and contact with nature, and I am of the opinion that each individual should be able to engage in the practice with as much freedom as possible, breaking a few taboos where they need to be broken perhaps, but basically following their own principles, as long as they feel comfortable in what they are doing.”

At the start of the project, Luis’s objective was to shoot on all of Portugal’s official nude beaches: nine when he began and with a tenth recently added. “So far I have managed eight, but along the way I have also included additional beaches where nudism is commonly practiced. I also want to include other naturist-related sites, but due to Covid restrictions, this has proved to be a little more difficult. I did however get to stay at Samonatura when we went to shoot on the Alentejo coast and loved it. Other naturist venues will certainly follow.

“As for the subject matter, I have had the pleasure of working with some excellent models - professionals and amateurs - many of whom have participated for the fun of it, identification with the project, and the shared publicity. I don’t consider that I take ‘glamour’ photos and the models don’t see themselves that way either: I only work with advocates of naturism, social nudity, body positivity and the desexualisation of nudity.”

The non-censored version of Portugal Photo Nudism is available via Patreon, which helps make a contribution to costs but isn’t designed to be a major source of revenue, at least for the time being as the project grows. For more social media-friendly images, the Instagram page can be found at naturism_portugal

It’s relatively early days, but what are Luis’s experiences of getting the product to its target market?

“The plus-points are that I have been able to convey my message and to disseminate information on Portuguese naturist locations, and to present naturism as a positive, modern practice that has across-the-board appeal, but especially to the younger generation and those who are just starting with naturism. I have had a lot of good feedback, mainly via Instagram, with people asking for additional information on the beaches and locations, and that makes it all worthwhile. I guess the negative side is that some followers are more interested in mere nudity than in the nudist/naturist cause, but I guess that will always happen.

“I am however confident that the current visibility that social media offers to genuine naturism is increasingly raising awareness of its benefits, and its fun side, and this will help in promoting the practice to more people.

“The naturism scene is perhaps not as established in Portugal as it is in countries like Spain, France or Croatia, but I have seen it developing over the last few years and am positive about its future.”

Talented photographers take heed.

 Paul Rouse


Brenton Parry Photography


Book review: A Photographic History of Nudism